Partners /

SPARK Center, Boston Medical Center


Contact Info


255 River St.
Mattapan, MA

Contact Name

Martha Vibbert, Ph.D.
Executive Director

E-mail Address



(617) 414-0501


Services Provided

A. Child: Medically-specialized, therapeutic early education and care for infants/toddlers/preschoolers who have complex health and psychosocial challenges, including children with significant trauma histories who are referred by the Department of Children and Families 

B. Teen: Job training, life skills support, and mental health intervention for young people who are living with HIV/AIDS and/or other health challenges (TICKET to Success Program)

C. Adult: Parent counseling and guidance, parenting support groups, dyadic intervention for mothers and babies, parent visitation

D. Family: Family counseling, family events

D. Other:  Marigold contributes to SPARK’s capacity to offer a range of on-site mental health interventions for children and families.  This includes: classroom milieu therapy, play therapy, puppet therapy, group psychotherapy; parent counseling and parenting skills coaching; Early Intervention assessments, neurodevelopmental screening, cognitive assessments; and school planning and advocacy services.

In addition, SPARK offers daily access to high-quality nursing and nutritional services; a unique therapeutic garden and outdoor classrooms; on-site Early Intervention therapies, drug therapy adherence counseling; HIV prevention and risk reduction; and vibrant internship and training programs for graduate students in the fields of early education, child life, public health, counseling and clinical psychology.

Age range: birth through 24 years