Our partners provide vital support and services to children across a range of domains. They play a critical role in helping children heal from the damaging effects of violence and abuse. 

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Therapeutic Summer Camp/Camp: 

Camp Starfish

Sibling Connections

Domestic Violence Programs:

HAWC, Healing Abuse, Working for Change
Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center

Child Abuse Prevention:

Children's Advocacy Center of Suffolk County

"The Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County is so grateful for Marigold’s long time generous support of our mental health services for children who have experienced abuse and sexual exploitation. Thanks to their partnership, the CAC has been able to expand our Problematic Sexual Behavior Cognitive Behavior Therapy to pre-school- aged children and continue offering quality, no-cost clinical services for children of all ages in both English and Spanish."

Annie Marcklinger, Executive Director, Children’s Advocacy center of suffolk county